Lead Forms
Learn how to create custom lead forms that show at a specified point in the conversation.
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Learn how to create custom lead forms that show at a specified point in the conversation.
Last updated
Create fully customized lead forms to capture user details at a specified point during the conversation.
You can add any number of fields (such as name, email address, company name, etc.) and configure the lead form to display at the start, after a specific number of questions, or only when the bot doesn't have an answer.
To create a lead form, head on over to Bots > Manage > Settings > Lead Forms.
Enable lead form for your bot. And then fill out the fields.
Title Message: Add a title message for your lead form
Field Type: Select from text, email, or number as field types. The form includes basic validation, like ensuring proper email format for entries in the email field.
Label: Edit the label (first name, phone number, company, etc.,) for the field.
Mark as mandatory: You can optionally mark certain fields as mandatory. Users must complete these fields to proceed.
Add or Delete Field: You can add any number of fields to your lead form. Click on the delete icon to remove a field.
Data consent: Optionally collect user data consent for compliance. Enable 'Require data consent' and include a consent message.
Display lead form: Choose when you'd like the lead form to show up - at the start, after a specific number of questions, or only when the bot doesn't know the answer.
If you choose 'when the bot doesn't know the answer', the lead form will show up along with the fallback response.
Require form submission to continue: Enable this if you want to make form submission mandatory to start or continue the conversation.
Head over to Inbox > Leads to view and download the list of captured leads. Filter by time and click on the download icon on the top to download a .csv file with the leads.